Here is a sample of how to write narrative essay using a 3V1F TVROS table. In this table, pupils can refer to it during writing practices. It helps the pupils to write a structurally correct sentences using basic Subject+Verb+Object table. You can refer to 3V1F technique in the ealier post. 3V1F (3 verbs 1 feeling) is a way for the pupils to write a paragraph foe each picture in the picture series. They must come up with 3 verbs and 1 feeling to sum up the whole paragraph. Like for instance:
asked (v)
walked (v)
tripped (v)
awful (f)
One Sunday afternoon, Ali's mother asked him to go the market not far from his house.
So he walked by himself to the market to buy the groceries.
On his was, he tripped over a rock.
He felt awful.
(39 words for first paragraph)
This technique will help the pupils to write around 30++ words for each picture.
I hope this help.
Download the table here : TVROS (3V1F)
Fitrie Othman
SK LKTP Chempelak for SK Felda Redong Official Blog