Saturday, 20 August 2016


Some of our pupils having difficulties in summing up or putting a closure in their essay. Here are some closure - in general, to help your pupils to end their story.

Stories about good, educational experience such as trip to the zoo,  museum, bird park or even picnic by the beach with pleasant story endings, these are some sample that they can memorize and use.

  • It was an eye opening and memorable experience for him/her/them. (visiting museum, exhibition etc.) He/She/They wished to visit that place again in the future.
  • It was a sweet and memorable experience for him/her/them that he/she/they could never ever forget.
  • It was an interesting and memorable experience for him/her/them.
  • It was an unforgettable incident/event/experience for him/her/them.

Stories about bad experiences, incident or accidents (saw or involved in an accident, incident in the kitchen etc.)

  • He/She/They felt sorry for what had happened. It was a lesson well learnt for him/her/them and he/she/they will never forget about it.
  • It was a lesson that taught him/her/them well. He/She/They will never again (cause of the event/accident/incident).

Tips taken from:
Victorious Chemplak 2017 Modules


  1. Although I've only just found this blog I must say I look forward to it everyday! Great article on Types of Sentences based on Structure and Function .Thanks for a fun and informative look at learning new concepts! Best to everyone. Keep sharing such posts .
